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Hello Preyash,

I want to have you check the managed client service to make sure it is running. The managed client is what facilitates the connection between the clients (anti-malware and anti-exploit) and the server. If you go into the services menu, it will be called 'meeclientservcie'. If it is not running, try starting the service and see if it starts. If that does not communicate, then I would want to see the client logs so I can see why it is not connecting. 

-Locate the this folder on the client computer: C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Managed Client
-In this folder, right click the 'CollectClientLog.exe' utility and run it as admin.
-Save these logs to the desktop of the computer.
-Zip up this folder and attach it to the next reply.

Thank you,




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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hey Preyash,


In the last entry it shows the client was simply just trying to send a client update status to the server and it stopped. It didn't go through the normal stop procedure. One thing I noticed in the log that was odd was these two time stamps:


2016-10-20 16:42:52.865: Launch mbae api, filename: C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit\mbae-cli.exe, parm: /shield helpctr
2016-10-24 08:21:11.298: mbae-cli.exe exit code: 0, parm: /shield helpctr


It took 4 days to launch that command and give the error code back. The service never stopped in between those 4 days, it just did nothing. This is something similar I saw in an older version of the managed client. In the logs, I see the managed client is on version 1.5 which is a couple of versions out of date. Do you have the latest version of the management console? You can find this out by signing in and looking at the bottom left corner. The current most up to date version is If you do have that version of the console, then I want to have you deploy the client over the top on this computer and see if the issue still occurs. 


If you are not on the latest version, then you can use the instructions here to upgrade the server so you can deploy the new client version:



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Hello Preyash,


It seems like the service stopped after this event:

Info    2016-11-11 14:01:58.1803    1764    7    Sent client status successfully.

After that, it does not communicate. Can you grab the event viewer logs from that time and see if there is any errors with the services? Also, would you have possibly had any updates or policies being pushed out that may have occurred at that time? We may need to collect further diagnostic logs from the computer. These logs do have information about the computer that you may not want on the forums (signed in users) so if you want, please send them to me via PM.

1: Please download FRST from the link below and save it to your desktop:


2: Double-click the purple FRST icon to run the program. Click Yes when the disclaimer appears.

3: Click the Scan button

4: When the scan has finished, it will make 2 log files in the same directory the tool is run, FRST.txt and Addition.txt. Please attach both files in your reply.


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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hello Preyash,


Thank you for those. Do you mind grabbing me the event viewer logs as well? If it is due to windows update, that should have a bit more information on it. While FRST does show some event viewer information, it doesn't show all of it and I want to see all the events that occurred on that startup. This will give a bit of information to do this:




I will want to see the system, application, and security logs. Go ahead and send those to me in a PM if you do not want them posted publicly. 

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Hello Preyash,


Unfortunately the system logs didn't give me the information I was hoping to see. I do see the update being applied but not seeing our service failing to start during the timeframe it was being applied. I even saw anti-malware update its services and start them just fine but nothing on the management service. Is this the only windows 10 computer you have that is having the issue or the only one you have noticed it on (since it was yours). 

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  • 1 month later...
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Hello Preyash,


We are currently looking into this and why this is occurring. If you have one currently doing this, can you try: "Set the failure options for the sccomm service(MeeClientService) under Properties-> Recovery to 'Restart the Service' for all 3 fail options".


After you do that, can you reboot the computer and see if it connects to the server? 

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