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"Infostealer.Napolar" detected by Norton...


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Hello All - hope you're well.

Just returning with what seems like perhaps a false positive, but would very much welcome your experience to confirm this to be the case.  Norton Internet Security came up with a threat identified as "Infostealer.Napolar" ("low [technical] threat"), listing 4x tmp files apparently derived from MBAM.  Have attached a screenshot.

I'd welcome any input - apologies if I've missed a thread already identifying this.

Best wishes and thanks

Norton threat, 2.9.16.PNG

Norton id of threat.PNG

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These temp files are created by Norton itself in our directory. We have tried in the past to address this with norton but have been unsuccessful.

The files actually contain what looks to be norton definitions.

So basically it detects its own def files.

It is a fp on part of norton though as its only detecting its own defs and not actual malware.


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