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I recently upgraded to an all-in-one desktop computer with windows 10 and i was wondering how do i move  the anti -malwarebytes home  version and the the anti-exploit malwarebytes home version from a windows 7 computer to the new windows 10 i have. I also have a NORTON INTERNET SECURITY ANTI-VIRUS PROGRAM @ I USE GOOGLE CHROME as my browser,this is how i have  them on the windows 7 laptop am writing this on and i want to set the windows 10  with the same protection. I just renewed the paid  version of  anti-malwarebytes home and just bought the anti-exploit malwarebyteshome  and they do not expire until next year and i do not  want to pay for a 2nd time. Thanks,mh

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Hello mhop and :welcome:

You may transfer the licenses using the following procedures:

For the Consumer MBAM Premium installation: How do I transfer my Malwarebytes Anti-Malware license to a different computer?

For the Consumer MBAE Premium installation: How do I transfer my Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit license to a different computer?


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