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Domain Query Account error

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When configuring the Management console and trying to use the domain query account feature to setup users, I get the following error.

Info    2016-06-20 16:30:17.4906    1568    127    Entering BusinessFacade.SetDomainAdmin.
Info    2016-06-20 16:30:17.4906    1568    127    Entering Utility.IsDomainUser.
Info    2016-06-20 16:30:17.4906    1568    127    Verifying user valid-admin@xxx.yyy.abc.local has a domain supplied
Info    2016-06-20 16:30:17.4906    1568    127    DNS domain user indicated for valid-admin@abc.local.
Info    2016-06-20 16:30:17.4906    1568    127    DNS Domain: xxx.yyy.abc.local, User: valid-admin
Info    2016-06-20 16:30:17.4906    1568    127    Exiting Utility.IsDomainUser
Info    2016-06-20 16:30:17.4906    1568    127    Local domain is xxx.yyy.abc.local.
Info    2016-06-20 16:30:17.4906    1568    127    Validating domain query account "valid-admin@abc.local" for domain "xxx.yyy.abc.local"
Error    2016-06-20 16:30:17.4906    1568    127    Failed to get the account GUID for user "valid-admin@abc.local" on domain "xxx.yyy.abc.local": System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8007203A): The server is not operational.

local domain is abc.local

FQDN of the server is xxx.yyy.abc.local

My user user account is active and can read AD.

Why does MB think the local domain is xxx.yyy,abc.local when it's abc.local?



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