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Windows 10 boots with black screen

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After running malwarebytes because of bubbledock malware the software detected 403 threats, quarantined all of them and restarted the system. After restart the login screen (windows 10) shows up, the computer is connected to the wifi but after logging in all the screen shows is the cursor and a small window in the bottom left corner that says "Wind..", I only have the option of closing or moving this screen. After starting the task manager it says the only program running is the Microsoft Windows Based Script Host (the small screen with nothing displayed). 

I can get back to the login screen and I have tried to boot the system in safe mode (all three options, but all yield the same result). I have a backup of all my files but not a full back up image. I can't access the malwarebytes log file since all it's showing is a black screen. 

All help extremely appreciated, this is my only computer so I'd like to resolve this problem as soon as possible. (Time zone UK)

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Hi Exxess :)

Since you were infected, I suggest you to get checked in the Malware Removal Help section to receive assistance with your issue. It's possible that the infection messed up with your Windows startup configuration, resulting in that black screen (on top of my head, it looks like your Shell have been replaced). Simply follow the instructions in the guide below to receive assistance.

Good luck!

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