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Activation issue due to threat

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"Okay, we will need to work outside Windows to remove it:


Please download the following tools on your Desktop:"


Could you give a step by step of how you get to the "desktop"?

I've got the same issue going on here. How do you get to be able to access the internet if we've got the blue screen of death and can only access the alt+ctrl+del task manager?

Thanks in advance for any help!

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I'll try this when I get home around 5 pm Eastern. I will get back to you guys. Thanks for the help. It was a cracked out Adobe website download that did this for me. They charge so freakin much for their software. Now it's per month. Crazy. I fell for some punks scam. I'll just have to give in and pay the $30/mo for Illustrator (if this helps fix the issue).

Really appreciate the help. Ya get what you pay for.

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9 hours ago, TwinHeadedEagle said:

Okay, we will need to work outside Windows to remove it:


Please download the following tools on your Desktop:

  • Insert your USB and then start Rufus
  • Select the ISO file WIN10586PESE_x64.ISO on the desktop via the ISO icon.


  • Under the Device select your USB Flash.
  • Press Start
  • When the process is complete, copy Farbar Recovery Scan Tool x64 on this USB
  • Insert USB into infected computer and power on the computer. Now you need to set your computer to boot from USB. In order to do that, follow thisguide.
  • When you boot from USB, you will see image like this:


  • Click Troubleshoot

In the next window, click Advanced options and select Command Prompt.

  • In the command window type in notepad and press Enter.
  • When notepad opens, click File and select Open.
  • Select "Computer" and find your flash drive letter and close the notepad.
  • In the command window type e:\frst64.exe and press Enter.

Note: Replace letter e with the drive letter of your flash drive.

  • The tool will start to run. When the tool opens click Yes to disclaimer.
  • Press Scan button.

It will make a log (FRST.txt) on the flash drive. Please attach it to your reply.

I got to the part where I am to write my USB drive (F:\frst64.exe) but nothing started there. I just decided to do a system restore keeping my personal files.

Do you think that may work or will the stupid malware still exist?

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  • 1 month later...

We're sorry. It looks like your topic was somehow overlooked. Due to the length of time we'll go ahead and close this topic now but if you still actually need help please send a private message to one of the Moderators and we'll assist you.
Thank you and sorry we missed your topic.

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