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Blocked btool.exe


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Tried to Compile Inkscape. Invoking btool.exe clean, which should clean up some directories, triggert an allert and set btool.exe to quarantine.

Now the files seems to be set to delete after reboot and can not be restored out of the quarantine.

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I did not restart when the warning poped up. I restarted manually. Wnti-Ransomeware seems not to recognize this manual restart It requested a second restart which i then permited by clicking on the warning. Then the file was put in Quarintine and could be restored and set as exclusion. Would have been nicer to be able to manage that without restart.

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Hello Josarn:

Even though you have already managed to restore normal operation, the following set of three (3) archives would be helpful to the MBARW Beta development team:

Please carefully read the locked and pinned topic in this sub-forum, How to report a False Positive and for developer analysis, kindly attach the 3 requested .zip archives to your next reply in this thread.

If an exclusion has not already been entered, a temporary exclusion entry might then be made available to prevent a re-occurrence for your individual system.

Thank you for beta testing MBARW and your feedback.

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