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Total commander


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19 minutes ago, Dorami said:

I'm not using my computer,i use Total commander,but problem is that when i want to scan file in tcmd,there is no scan button,can you put it please?

Hello and welcome to the Malwarebytes forum:

I'm not sure I understand your request.:(

Are you referring to this third-party program???

Total Commander:


We here at Malwarebytes do not have a way to change the features in that 3rd-party software.

So, perhaps you could please explain a bit more what you are asking?

Thank you,

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Hi Dorami :)

The "Scan with Malwarebytes" option is included in the Windows Explorer contextual menu. Total Commander probably have their own implementation of that contextual menu, which probably doesn't support Malwarebytes.

Just to make sure, under Settings, make sure that Contextual menu option in Windows Explorer is set to Enabled. If it is and it doesn't show up, it should be Total Commander's job to add this feature, not Malwarebytes.

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