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Just to note, reaper.exe is not malware.  This is a Digital audio workstation which will scan numerous of dll files located in vst folders.  However, the anti Ransomeware from Malwarebytes quarantined a legit application causing me to have to reinstall it three times.  Even after I placed the file and folder location in the exclusions list.   It seems the Anti Ransomware is ignoring the execlusion list which is not good.   There are other daws like Protools, Bitwig Studio and Presonus studio two and three which will scan VST files on launch.  Please add this to the programs exclusions list, or make sure the Anti Ransomeware actually obeys whats in the exclusion list.


excluson list.JPG

false positive quarantine exclusion list ignored.JPG

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Hello reyewi and :welcome:

Thank you for the screen grabs.  Please carefully read the locked and pinned topic in this sub-forum, How to report a False Positive and for developer analysis, kindly attach the requested .zip archives to your next reply in this thread.

If an exclusion has not already been entered, a temporary exclusion entry might then be made available to prevent a re-occurrence for your individual system.

Thank you for beta testing MBARW and your feedback.

Edited by 1PW
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