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False Positive report


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Reference: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/021bc6f126513283edf0b2a0ee43e60dd0aea34df2a774919480887733c39d58/analysis/1460403569/ Unsigned

Hello paia and :welcome:

Since the following pathname has been entered in MBARW GUI -> Exclusions, and the binary has been uploaded to the developers, please allow the entry to remain until you are requested to remove it:

                                                     C:\ASOL\FAKTURACE ZDARMA\FAKTURY.EXE

While attempting to vet helios_r.exe, a successful comparison could not be made between what MBARW Beta6 had detected, and the archive of helios_r.exe attached to your post.  Perhaps the archive was not directly created from the executable at C:\ASol\Fakturace zdarma\helios_r.exe.  Files with different versions could also account for the difference.

At any time, a MBARW development team member, QA team member or Staffer may request the above temporary exclusion be altered/removed.  Thank you for beta testing MBARW and your valuable feedback.

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