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False Positive - StepManiaSSE2.exe

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Reference: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/4d2cc9476787f1327b45ccff67e382a6bb8021d6ebbfbda3bf65ba503eec963f/analysis/1459817866/

Hello Awarefulness and :welcome:

Available data does suggest a false positive and, if it has not already been done, you may wish to make the following temporary full pathname file entry in MBARW GUI Dashboard -> Exclusions:

                            C:\Games\Stepmania 5.0\Program\StepMania-SSE2.exe

At any time, a MBARW development team member, QA team member or staffer may request the above temporary exclusion be altered/removed.

Please update this forum thread if the FP repeats or other issues are encountered.  Thank you for beta testing MBARW and your valuable feedback.

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