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Malwarebytes identifies the title item as a PUP, says it quarantines it. I have malwarebytes remove it, but the next scan it show up again.  is it legit?  If not, how do I get rid of this once and for all?



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Hello and welcome::)

We need a bit more information in order to better assist you.

Please follow the instructions below and/or in THIS KB ARTICLE to ATTACH a SCAN LOG showing the detections as a *.TXT file to your next reply here in this thread.



How to get SCAN logs or PROTECTION logs:
(Export log to save as a txt file for posting in the forum when requested)

  • Open MBAM.

  • Click on the HISTORY tab > APPLICATION LOGS.

  • Double-click on the SCAN LOG which shows the date and time of the scan just performed (or the one you are asked to post), OR on the PROTECTION LOG showing the detection you are reporting (or the one that you are asked to post).

  • Click EXPORT.

  • Click TEXT FILE (*.txt)

  • In the "Save File" dialog box which appears, click on DESKTOP.

  • In the FILE NAME box, type a name for your saved scan or protection log.

  • A message box named "File Saved" should appear, stating that "Your file has been successfully exported".

  • Click OK.

  • Please attach the saved log to your next reply here in this thread.

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Thanks for the log.

As it's a few days old, based on an older database, please update your MBAM database, re-scan and post the new log here.

I'll ask a staff member to review the logs, to help to determine whether or not this is False Positive or a correct detection.


EDIT: The forum mod team may move this thread to the F/P section here, for prompt attention by the Research Team. No worries, though.

Edited by daledoc1
Mod team might move the thread
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