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MBARW start up


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When i start up my computer the icon appears in the taskbar after about 10 seconds. When I click this icon the dialogue box appears. Sometimes the app is enabled and other times it is disabled. When I press Fix the app is enabled. It would be better if the app was enabled at each start up. My work around seems to work each time.

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Hello Pinkfoot and :welcome:

Please consider a clean re-install of MBARW Beta.

First, please capture, for the developer team, the state of MBARW Beta as it relates to the test system:

Create a ZIP archive of the directory C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware\
Create another ZIP archive of the directory C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\MBAMService\logs\

Please attach the above zipped archives to your next reply.

1. Close all open Windows applications followed by a conventional Windows based uninstall of Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware.
2. If MBARW Beta was uninstalled successfully, the following directories will have been deleted from a typical Windows 64-bit system:

C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\
C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware\

3. If any of the above directories remain, please delete them manually. If necessary, any remaining/uninstalled directory may be deleted in the Windows Safe mode.
4. Execute a conventional Windows restart to the Normal Windows boot mode and log-in through an Administrator's account. <===IMPORTANT!
5. Using an Administrator's account only, download a fresh MBARW_Setup.exe file and save to the Administrator's Desktop from the MBARW Introduction topic.
6. Right-click the MBARW_Setup.exe file and left-click RunAsAdmin.jpgRun as administrator from the context menu.
7. Upon a successful installation, please restart the computer in a conventional manner to the Windows Normal boot mode.

Please reply to your topic with the status of your reported issue.

Thank you for beta testing MBARW and your valued feedback.

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HOWEVER when I loaded the MBARW on to my Laptop it loaded OK but when I restarted I got the "Preparing Windows" message. I let it run and eventually it loaded in Safe Mode. Fortunately I had created a Manual restore point and was able to do a system restore and the laptop appears to be functioning normally now - I did not reload MBARW as I did not want to have a repeat of the disaster.

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Hello Pinkfoot:

Yours is the first report of its kind in this sub-forum.  One should not question your level of caution.  If you find that have have resolved an issue that may account for your observation, and wish to continue beta testing MBARW, help is here for the asking.

If you would like additional assurances you may wish to have the Malware Removal Experts instruct you on how to run a few checks for integrity on your laptop:

I recommend following the advice from the topic: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and have one of the Malware Removal Experts assist you with your issue.

If, as recommended, you do open a topic in Malware Removal Help, please make reference to this thread.

If you would like to get off to a very fast start, the Malware Removal Experts would appreciate it if you would also attach (not copy/paste) both the FRST.txt and the Addition.txt output diagnostic reports from only Log Set 1 into your new topic. Please do not tick, nor untick, any pre-configured FRST categories.

Thank you for participating in the beta testing program.

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