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HxTsr.exe wahrscheinlich eine Falschmeldung


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Hallo Community,

ich bekam gestern während der Aktualisierung meiner Brother Administrator Utilities eine Meldung von Malwarebytes Anti.Ransomware bezüglich einer HxTsr.exe. Da die Aktualisierung direkt aus dem Brother Produkt heraus vorgenommen wurde kann ich mir nicht vorstellen, dass ich mir Ransomware eingefangen habe (bin in dieser Hinsicht extrem vorsichtig), deshalb gehe ich davon aus, dass es eine Falschmeldung ist.

Die angesprochene Datei HxTsr.exe wurde von Malwarebytes Anti.Ransomware in Quarantäne verschoben, aber ein Restore ist nicht möglich.

Was kann ich tun um diese Datei wieder zu reaktivieren?


FAshampoo_Snap_2016.03.29_20h29m49s_001_Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware -BETA- 0-9-14-361.pngAshampoo_Snap_2016.03.29_21h47m11s_001_.pngreundliche Grüße


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Hello Starbeam and :welcome:

If Microsoft's HxTsr.exe file is now missing, the following should assist in restoring it quickly:

          How to Repair an Office application.

  1. Please consider producing a hard copy of the procedure within Repair an Office application.
  2. Restart the computer in question into the Windows Normal mode and terminate unnecessary applications.
  3. Follow Microsoft's procedure within step 1.
  4. Again, restart the system into Windows Normal mode.
  5. Confirm the previously missing file has been restored.

Please reply to this topic with the status of your system.

Thank you for beta testing MBARW and your valued feedback.

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I have the same issue. Anti-Ransomware put HxTsr.ex into quarantine and now Windows 10 App and Windows 10 calendar App is not working any more " app opening starts but is immediately closed again".

Your tip to repair an office application does not work as there is no program listed for Win 10 mail and calendar under programs.

If I understand it correctly Windows 10 Mail and Windows 10 calendar App are called windowscommunicationsapp. Also this is not listed under programs.

Any other suggestion?


Win10_Mail App.JPG

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Hello Kiwi_M and :welcome:

It is disappointing to read your testing system is having MBARW Beta issues but each computer is unique. Problems that seem "the same" frequently are not.

The same is true for solutions. Solutions may often need to be individualized for your unique testing system.

It is less confusing for everyone if a "One Member Per Topic" policy is adhered to instead of posting to the topic of another member.

Development Team Members, Staffers and helpers will be able to more easily provide both you, and the OP/Topic Starter, with individualized assistance.

Please start a NEW, and SEPARATE topic by left-clicking this >>Start New Topic<< link now.

Thank you always for your patience and understanding.

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