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False Positive Intel XDK


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Just had a false positive from Anti-Ransomware Beta on C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Intel\XDK\bin\adb\adb.exe

This is part of the Intel XDK software.

Restored the quarantined file and added it to exclusions.

First false positive since installing anti-ransomware a week or two ago. Have only been using the XDK for two days.

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Hello britlish:

Reference: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/8a8f6bb272ef39dcec6ae93ccca2cc339c0c8de9fdfdfa6ca8aa1378813c7903/analysis/1458019066/

Unfortunately vital data is missing from your otherwise perfect archives. The best that can be done this moment is for you to do watchful waiting until the next event.

Or, if you like you may consider temporarily entering the system's complete pathname to adb.exe in MBARW GUI Dashboard -> Exclusions.

Next, please check for very aggressively set cleaning utilities that may be deleting MBARW's valuable .LOG files.

Thank you for beta testing MBARW and your feedback.


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Hello britlish:

Based on your additional data, if you have not already done so, you may consider entering the above pathname temporarily in MBARW GUI Dashboard -> Exclusions.

Thank you.



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