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Good Day!

I really appreciate if you help me.

I'm from México. Have a Mobo tablet, android 4.2, since nov. 2014, i never installed any antivirus. On october, 2015; something was wrong, i tried unsuccessfully to install mbamm, without time to solve it.

Yesterday i read an article about problems with some tablets, and download mbamm_2.00.3.7000, detected 2 malware, one deleted, the other is Trojan.Gedma.rp in app smsreg. Send a message ti confirm deleting and uninstalling, says successful uninstall (for Device Manager) but never did it. This horrifying bug have installed more than 50 files that cannot be detected by mbamm as infected, i cant deleted or disable them, because the buttons are locked.


Please!!!!! Help me...


ex-SM (outdated, now mom).

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Hi Ffff,

This has become a big problem with cheaper priced Devices coming from China, they come preinstalled with malicious apps and the apps cannot be removed using Android's uninstaller.
These apps on your device should not be trusted, there are a few things you can do.
- Disable the app – Can be done via Android Settings -> Apps -> bad app -> Force stop/disable
        This will prevent the app and any associated services from running.
- Root your device and uninstall the malicious apps. Usually reserved for advanced users, please do at your own risk.
- Install different, trusted, ROM to replace infected one. Usually reserved for advanced users, please do at your won risk.
- Return device where purchased.
I wish there were more options but where Android's openness and built in security collide; openness, anyone can flash a device with a custom ROM, security, you can't uninatll system apps.
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