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This won't get out of my Surface 3!! Three scans with the malware program, the third finally saying no threats, and I'm still struggling! I contacted Microsoft Support already and after letting them take a look remotely they had no answers for me. After the first scan and whatnot, Edge won't even go to a page at all. 100% all white as if it were loading a page, but isn't. I emailed support here and waiting on an answer. I am beyond anal when it comes to making sure I don't download anything harmful so this is very upsetting to me as I take good care of my device. Please help.

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Hello Jillian51894 and :welcome:
Since you stated you have already contacted Malwarebytes Consumer Support Help Desk, actions within this forum would work at cross purposes with the Help Desk operation.
If the Help Desk has not acknowledged your request and answered your email within 48 hours, please reply to this topic. In the meantime do check your email's spam folder for a possible diversion by your provider.
Thank you.

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