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The administrator guide states that the default settings for Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit are set to a balance between protection and compatibility. 


Can someone help me understand what the implications of turning on Anti-HeapSpraying Enforcement and Bottom-up ASLR Enforcement are for more application types other than the defaults?


Thank you. 





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  • Staff

Welcome to the forum.


Many users here in and other forums enable additional protections under the advanced settings. In the vast majority of cases it simply provides additional protections but sometimes these techniques might conflict with third-party software installed in your computers. It is impossible to predict all possible conflicts with every combination of third-party software out there and that's why we allow this type of advanced configuration.


Feel free to enable these protections in your environment. If you do encounter a conflict or FP feel free to post your MBAE and FRST logs here and we'll be able to troubleshoot it.

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