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Latest Windows 10 update messed up my Malwarebytes

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I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing this issue since the latest Windows 10 major update? I'm currently running Windows 10 Pro version 1511 OS Build 10586.29. The issues that I'm having, even though they are minor, are still bugging me. Every time I start my computer, there is a red triangle with an exclamation mark in it on my Malwarebytes tray icon. The problems are that it is not saving my notification settings and it tells me that I've never ran a scan on my system, which I have. Every time I start my computer, I have to go into settings and disable notifications and I run a hyper scan to get rid of the red triangle. It's been doing this every time after the latest "Threshold" update.


I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but that hasn't fixed the issue. Is there anything else I can try?


Thank you.

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Hello kingpin815 and :welcome:

Let's start here with a clean re-install of MBAM:

  • Please try the following and post a reply if this corrects your issue: MBAM Clean Removal Process 2.x.
  • If that does not correct the issue, then please read the following and individually attach the 3 requested logs in a reply to this thread: Diagnostic Logs.
  • The 3 files, from Step 2, to be individually attached from your desktop are: CheckResults.txt, FRST.txt and Addition.txt. Please do not Copy and Paste them into a reply.

Please post a reply with the status of your issue.

Thank You.

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