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Remove PC's from Management console

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My company is licensed for Malwarebytes Enterprise Protection and am running console version 1.6.


We have imported our clients using Active Directory Import. (Add AD OU as a Group).  This keeps our console identical to AD as far as structure.  The questions we have are:


1.  Workstations that are deleted out of the domain after the import occurred, still remain in the MBAM Management Console.  How do we remove these clients from the console that are no longer in the domain? "Remove Client" is grayed out.  We re-image PC's when someone leaves the company or changes roles, so domain joined PC's are constantly changing, and the MBAM console will quickly get sloppy if it is not reading the domain dynamically.


2.  Say a PC crashes... We reimage it.  How do we reclaim our license for that PC, since we are reinstalling it on the same hardware?


Thank you for your prompt reply.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hello Bmccubbin,


Sorry for the extreme delay in response for this. I want to assist you with this matter. If it is possible, can you please PM me your e-mail so I can create an e-mail support case on our end. I want to look up your account and give you some information so I don't want to put that out in the public forums. 


Thank you,


Ron S

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  • 1 year later...

Seriously? I'm also an enterprise customer, and also need to know how to reclaim a license when a client machine gets re-imaged. There should be NOTHING secret about how to remove a client from the console to reclaim the license. Please advise as I have several client machines that have been removed from production still tying up licenses.

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Hello Brainerdmobil,


I asked for the e-mail so I could take it into a private message since it dealt with AD information of that customer. I didn't want to post anything public facing about their AD if that was a cause for the issue. While I understand you were looking for a quick answer for it, I wanted to keep privacy concerns a top priority on this. 


As for a fix, if you do not have ad groups added, please right click and remove the client from the client pane. That will clear it from the console and free up the license. If it is in an added AD/OU group, you will need to wait for the server to remove obsolete clients. You can change how often this is done by going to the admin pane>database settings tab and click on the 'change...' button under the clean up settings area. From there, you should see the delete obsolete clients option and the time frame it waits before it deletes them.


To cleanly remove the client in the future, it is best that you un-install it first from the management console. That will remove it from the client and free up the license from the server instantly.

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