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Question about the license and mbam-cleaner

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If I use MBAM cleaner (MBAM is installed and activate). The license counter at uninstalling mbam reset, or added as a further activated license? And how is it with a normal uninstall over Windows control panel.


Or should I disable the license in mbam-GUI before uninstalling an reinstalling? Sorry if this question are already provided.

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Hi, @Ping:


The "best practices" for reinstalling MBAM Premium are explained here: MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x

The process uses our special removal tool -- that is the preferred way to uninstall fully and cleanly, rather than via Windows CP.

Although the tutorial -- which was written some time ago -- does not specifically mention this step, yes, it would not hurt (even if is not not strictly necessary) to deactivate your license before running the removal tool.


The steps to transfer a license are explained here: How do I transfer my Malwarebytes Anti-Malware license to a different computer?

It would be important to deactivate the license on the "old" system before activating MBAM on the "new" computer.


>>>The most important point is that a 1-PC license can be activated on only one PC at a time. :)


Please let us know if you need more help.



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