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Protection from ransomware and other threats

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I use MBAM Pro, MBAE Pro and KIS 2016. Do these programs protect my computer from ransomware or are there any other tools I should use to have decent ransomware protection?


Are the security apps mentioned above enough to keep my computer free from malware or should I install additional tools to improve my computer security? What additional programs, if any, do you recommend?


Thanks for your suggestions in advance.



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Ransomware is just another kind of malware.  You should NOT concern yourself with one type or one family of malware.  You need to worried and concerned about ALL malware and malicious activity not just those trojans that perform cryptovirology.
MBAM Pro, MBAE Pro and KIS 2016 are effective towards that end.  Now, look at what you do, what you do not do and how you behave with your computer and accessing the Internet as all the software in the world will NOT protect you against bad habits.
We call the good habits practicing Safe Hex.  If you follow Safe Hex practices, MBAM, MBAE and KIS' software becomes just a safety net - Just in case.
That's all I'll write here as the charter of this sub-forum, General PC Help, states...

Post your Windows, Hardware, Networking, and Software questions here. Questions regarding malware should be posted in Malware Removal Help.
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Thank you for your reply. Much appreciated. I didn't want to post this in Malware Removal Help because there is no malware to be removed here, just some general questions regarding security software. Anyway, sorry for posting in the wrong forum. Maybe this thread can be moved over to the appropriate forum by a moderator.

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