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Fingerprinting FP

John A

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Re: the vbscript, I thought you said Firefox. Are you getting this alert also on Firefox or not?


As for the fingerprinting exploit, where you trying to paste text, image, etc.? Paste into a text box? In the malwarebytes forum?

VB script error was Internet Explorer, although Firefox was open

Fingerprint - pasting text into a reply in Malwarebytes forum using Shift>Insert

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I've also encountered several security certificate errors using IE8 in XP... but not in other browsers there.   So I think it's best to avoid IE in XP at this point.

Thanks. ky331.  I usually use Firefox, I was just updating Flash player in IE

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VB script error was Internet Explorer, although Firefox was open

OK. That's normal then. This is just MBAE preventing IE from loading the deprecated vbscript.dll module.



Fingerprint - pasting text into a reply in Malwarebytes forum using Shift>Insert

Wasn't able to repro. Can you repro with any text?

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Wasn't able to repro. Can you repro with any text?


Ahhh.  It actually happens when I try to attach an image, ie when I click Browse.  I originally thought it was the paste because I had just done that prior to adding an image.  Yes it is repro.

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Interesting. I did the following:

Turn off MBAE

Attach an image in a forum response from a different directory (downloads), so resetting the Attach browse directory.

Close IE

Start MBAE

Open IE and repeat the Attach image operation, it works with no alert from MBAE

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Hmmm interesting. Will attempt to repro this one although I suspect it will be difficult to repro as there are many variables such as the files on disk, directories, etc.

If you manage to figure out a way to repro this consistently let me know so we can send you a debug build to collect some extra logs.

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Sorry, I should have added ... but it still fails if I navigate to the Desktop.


I can reproduce it easily.  All I have to do is Attach a file to a reply and when the browse windows opens navigate to Desktop and the MBAE block occurs. (But it doesn't fail for other locations I tried, only fails on Desktop)

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Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
© Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\John>cd desktop

C:\Documents and Settings\John\Desktop>
C:\Documents and Settings\John\Desktop>dir
 Volume in drive C is ACER
 Volume Serial Number is E0C2-1504

 Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\John\Desktop

17/10/2015  06:48    <DIR>          .
17/10/2015  06:48    <DIR>          ..
15/10/2015  11:56            13,541 Clipboard01.jpg
15/10/2015  06:29            28,527 Clipboard02.jpg
01/09/2013  15:07               689 IrfanView.lnk
18/09/2013  08:02             2,549 Microsoft Office Excel 2007.lnk
16/06/2014  08:23             2,515 Microsoft Office Word 2007.lnk
16/10/2013  10:52               652 NoteTab Light.lnk
17/08/2014  16:28         4,691,456 TeamViewerQS_en.exe
14/11/2012  17:58               786 Windows Media Player.lnk
27/09/2015  13:49    <DIR>          XP Keep Updating
               8 File(s)      4,740,715 bytes
               3 Dir(s)  93,916,995,584 bytes free

C:\Documents and Settings\John\Desktop>dir /A:H
 Volume in drive C is ACER
 Volume Serial Number is E0C2-1504

 Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\John\Desktop

File Not Found

C:\Documents and Settings\John\Desktop>

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