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Licence Verification

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With all the changes going around I'm worried about my licence seeing as to how I purchased it on amazon and other have had issues with that. Up to date there hasn't been any issues with it but I wanted to know if there was a way of verification if its authentic. If a Staff agent on these forums can please reply to this message and assist me I'd really appreciate it.

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Hello and Welcome!

What version of Malwarebytes do you currently have installed, is it the latest version

If it is the latest version, does it show as you having the Home (Premium) installed?

If you click on My Account, does it show as being Licensed?

If the answer to all three is YES, then you should be OK.

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My current installed version is indeed v2.1.8.1057, As stated I transitioned without any issues. My Account is showing up as Licensed for a  duration of "Lifetime". But I wanted a staff member to confirm this information I just want to make sure that the key I bought is NOT considered an amnesty or pirated key. Simply put I don't want any issues down the road and prefer peace of mind.

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When you updated did you get a message that looked like this (locating your license key):

If you did not get such a message then your key is valid. Even if you did get the message, and you have rectified the problem by answering the question in the screen shot below, you were issued a new key, which you should make a record of it, and you are good to go.


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