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2.1.8 reverts to "Free" when I had a lifetime license

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I've had many MBAM licenses for years for all my PC's.


Was running 2.1.6 and just now got a program update notice in MalwareBytes.


After auto Installing to 2.1.8 it went back to "Free" version.   What !!!


I uninstalled MalwareBytes, and reinstalled an older version with my key.  Activated.  And running 2.1.6 again as Premium.


Wary about auto upgrading to 2.1.8 incase it knocks me back out to Free version.




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I had the same problem a few minutes ago. I also bought a lifetime licence before the start of Premium licences. Unfortunately, I cannot re-install older version as update appears to have overwritten lifetime version and replaced with free version. Lifetime Identifier # also does not work with attempts to activate Premium. :wacko:

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RID905:  If you have a fresh install, you are starting at square one.  Maybe you'll have a problem, and maybe you won't.  You won't know until you try.  If you do run into another issue, report back in.


Emjay:  Outside of the fact that you need to start your own thread, you did not say exactly HOW it did not work with attempts to activate Premium.  If you are still having problems, please start your own thread and tell us more.

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It wasn't a fresh install.  I'm thinking that will be of interest to the program developers and one of the reasons I started this thread.  To post / make known things that are different that past updates.


Past updates would install overtop of my existing license and carry on without any licensing issues.


The install of 2.1.8 was prompted by MalwareBytes from within the program telling me there was an update.  That happens ok on past upgrades.

So the problem is that it over wrote my registry keys or wherever my license key was stored.


If that happened to me, then it will probably happen to a lot of other people, which will create an administrative nightmare for the people at MalwareBytes from all the people who misplaced their keys.

( Unless this is an "ooops - we meant to do that" so that we can clear a lot of people's lifetime licenses by wiping the registry key on the 2.1.8 install and hope you didn't keep track of the key, heh heh )


So, the 2.1.8 didn't roll out with the same results as prior updates.  That is what I want to be known to the developers.


My choice was to uninstall the whole thing, and start with an old version and go to 2.1.6 and "activate" at that point.  At least I'm back where I started.

My blue MBAM system icon has a red exclamation on it saying there is an update to 2.1.8 but I'm not doing it because I think it will not recognize my license even if I punch it in.  Just my thought.  Might be wrong on that one.


But I'll wait and see how many other posts crop up on how 2.1.8 won't recognize a lifetime license before I ruin this machine.   Hopefully, there will be NONE, and I will have no problem moving forward trying to activate.


Personally,  I have 13 Malwarebytes licenses that I use for test machines that I create / tear down.  I bought them years ago via CleverBridge online from MalwareBytes.  I have all the receipts and keys etc.  LOL.


I would hate to think that the $$ I spent on those licenses ends with 2.1.8.


Again, I'm waiting to see what other people experience during this upgrade...   maybe nothing.


But in anycase, the developers should know that in this auto update, it wiped out my license, which prior updates did not do.   





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I believe I am having the same issue as you are right now. After updating to 2.1.8 I was pushed into the "Free" version.


I found my Key and tried to reenter it and my ID and both were rejested


I did not have an older install on hand so I decided to try and do a fresh install of 2.1.8. My key and ID were rejected as invalid. As a Premium Licience holder I have Malewarebytes installed on two of my computers. I checked the 2nd one and after the update was still on Premium.


(Below happened as I'm typing this post)


I deactivated and tried to reactivate the 1st Computer. This failed so I reactivated the 2nd Computer. It won't let me reacivate, saying "You must be connected to the internet to activate your Malewarebytes Anti-Maleware Premium License"


I tried to reactivate the 1st computer and recieved the same message. My 1st Computer is physically connected to me cable modem. I checked my connection by loading new webpages and refreshing webpages I as currently on. Everything came up normal with normal delays.


Afrer waiting a few more minutes I tried reactivating and I was able to. I was also able to reactivate the 2nd Computer as well.


So I'm left scratching my head since the issue resolved itself through the magic of technology.

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Thanks FeranToc. 


Yikes...   maybe that was a TCP/IP thing happening with MalwareBytes as services etc were settling in on your PC in the background.. .I don't know...


But it's weird that this is happening with 2.1.8


I'm scared.   :(


( just kidding, I'm not scared....  )  




(.... or am I......  :(   )

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I updated three computers.  All had keys that we use internally within the company.


#1 asked me where I got my license (expected response), upgraded fine, but demanded that I reboot the box.

#2 was the same as #1

#3 started out the same, but reboot not required.  WTF?!?  Real-time protection would not turn back on.  WTF?!?  Uninstall and reinstall required, and that worked out fine.  Box known to be slightly to moderately weird as well.


Clearly, QA has NOT seen the variety of results that users have seen.  While some may say that is a QA problem, I do not believe that.  There is no way they could create the sheer number of variations that the Malwarebytes customer base can create, nor can they test for (or compensate for) that number of variations.  The problem is primarily based in Windows, how Windows is updated and maintained, what other apps users drop onto their Windows boxes, and how often boxes are rebooted.


I would love to see a process that could compensate for all of these variations.  I will probably be elected pope long before that happens.

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I do not have my Lifetime Licence ID or Key as these have been overwritten by the install of 2.1.8 Free version. Previously they were accessible from the Dashboard options.

I don't care where the problem originated or how many variations exist - I just want my Lifetime licence back.

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