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[Suggestion]Option to hold back scheduled scan until laptop is again plugged to AC


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I often scan laptop while it's on AC, but do not wish the scan to start when on battery. My battery lasts only 2h and on core 2 duo machine mbam.exe makes computer to lag heavilly on tasks if power save options in laptop battery setitngs are used. I would like to have an option in schedule settings to postpone schedule start or skip the scheduled scan when not connected to AC

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Hello and Welcome.

All ideas are looked at (including yours), but we try and find solutions around them first.

Do you know how often you schedule your scans for, as quite often you can schedule them outside of your "battery times".


We find that some people schedule Full scans every 2 hours, when a Hyper, or very quick scan can be enough.

You then schedule (or run) a Full scan for a later time when you may be at home.


You must remember that a Pro version is always running in the background, and will still pick up problems as they try and access your system.


Would this be of any help to you, or do you wish me to ask an employee for other ideas.


Thank You -

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