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Help Trojan.Dropper Folders

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So I was browsing my computer files, because I was trying to find out how to delete "csrss.exe, winlogon.exe, atieclxx.exe" processes that doesn't doesn't contain descriptions or usernames. Tried using regedit, and msconfig. I also tried using cmd to unregister the file, but all I got was an error message saying "the module 'xxxxx.exe' (x - are random letters i put) was loaded but the entry-point DllUnregisterServer was not found. Make sure that 'xxxxx.exe' is a valid DLL or OCX file and then try again". Can someone please help me remove these processes that can't close or delete. I took a picture of the processes: http://i.gyazo.com/ece7296951c0b796238c3488eb2ed065.png http://i.gyazo.com/967230eea045d11266ca73cc17a20894.png. I was told that if the file doesn't have a locations and it's not in its original folder location it is a trojan/virus and has to be removed. Anyways back to the topic, I was browsing my files until I came across a strange folder that had the same name of the folder I had opened. Never seen folders like these on my computer, so I opened malwarebytes and opened the folder and good to know malwarebytes blocked a trojan.dropper when I had opened the folder. I have many folder like these in many locations of my computer. I would like to know how to delete them all at once, instead of having to open them manually and letting malwarebytes block them and deleting them. I also did a complete scan with malwarebytes but it so happens that malwarebytes didn't delete these trojan.dropper folders. I took an image of the folder comparing it to an original folder: http://i.gyazo.com/f393bc147a3a909c5449d092b59dea77.png

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I was browsing my files until I came across a strange folder that had the same name of the folder I had opened. Never seen folders like these on my computer, so I opened malwarebytes and opened the folder and good to know malwarebytes blocked a trojan.dropper when I had opened the folder. I have many folder like these in many locations of my computer. I would like to know how to delete them all at once, instead of having to open them manually and letting malwarebytes block them and deleting them. I also did a complete scan with malwarebytes but it so happens that malwarebytes didn't delete these trojan.dropper folders.

Just found out these aren't folder but rather they're applications with their icons changed to folders. Either way I would like to know how to delete these trojan.dropper applications.

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  • Root Admin

We're sorry. It looks like your topic was somehow overlooked. Due to the length of time we'll go ahead and close this topic now but if you still actually need help please send a private message to one of the Moderators and we'll assist you.

Thank you and sorry we missed your topic.

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