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Had to reload 1.36 due to bugs in new version 1.37

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I had to reload MalwareBytes 1.36 due to bugs in new version 1.37 . My two laptop with Win XP SP3 with all the latest patch, including IE8 keep freeze while on batteries with Version 1.37 loaded. I did the mbam-clean.exe as suggested and reinstalled MalwareBytes, with the same result. My laptops

freeze on batteries after about 30 minutes of use. I reinstalled Version 1.36 and had NO issues. On

Quad code XP3 system, I could never get the task bar icon to show and the system would freeze at

times, so I reloaded Version 1.36 had no more issues. I have talked to a second user, who is having

the same issues. So, the bottomline 1.37 is buggy on XP SP3.

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  • Root Admin

Basic procedures to correct freezing issues often due to other Security Software

If these procedures do not correct the problem please create a new post seeking further assistance

  1. Uninstall Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware using Add/Remove programs in the control panel.
  2. Restart your computer (very important).

  3. Download and run
    this utility

  4. It will ask to restart your computer (please allow it to).

  5. After the computer restarts, install the latest version from

    If you're using a PAID version of Malwareybtes, you will need to reactivate the program using the license you were sent via e-mail.


registering and starting the Protection Module, locate the Exclusion List for your Anti-Virus. Probably under an advanced menu in the program.

Add the following folders, sub-folders if you can, at a minimum add the files to the exclusion to be safe.
  • C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware

  • C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware

  • C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\rules.ref

  • C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\mbam.sys

  • C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\mbamswissarmy.sys

  • C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbam.exe

  • C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamgui.exe

  • C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamservice.exe

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As per my post, I did all the suggested items.

The program version 1.37 is just buggy.

I can not have programs on my laptop that freeze my systems, to the

point I have to remove the battery to unlock my systems, that is good

way to corrupt a hard hard drive.

Also, having items bypassed for real time protection and scanning by your AV,

is bad news. Where do you think I would put a trojan; if I was a scumware creator ?

Please just fix the program, as at the moment I think version 1.37 was not

released, it escaped !

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  • Root Admin
having items bypassed for real time protection and scanning by your AV

Not sure what you mean by that.

The new v1.37 is a completely new method of scanning and most Anti-Virus does not know it yet and is doing its job and blocking it.

The above procedures have corrected the issue for probably 99% of the couple dozen people that have so far posted about it.

Of the few that it has not after further investigation they did not follow the directions as provided even though they posted that they did.

All I can say is that we're willing to assist you if you like. Since you have a paid version you can contact helpdesk@malwarebytes.org for further assistance, or we can continue to look at correcting it for your system here on the forums.

You may even have some type of infection or you're maybe missing a step in the clean removal process as I've not had anyone that had a clean system not be able to get it to run and display the protection icon in the task tray.

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I have to agree with previous post.

ver 1.37 is a buggy and may need some work.

Never had to force exclusions in my AV program before... Why should I start now?

I have a number of users reporting problems since last week's update to ver 1.37.

Think you guys at malwarbytes need to do a little more research on this one.

Too many problems being reported.


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  • Root Admin
Never had to force exclusions in my AV program before... Why should I start now?

Because it is all new and in almost every case we've found that the users Anti-Virus did not know our new version and was blocking it.

It could be something else too, but without actually working with us to determine that we won't be able to correct it for you.

As we've stated, we're more than willing to assist you in reviewing it and try to track down the root cause, but simply stating it is buggy does not help us to help you.

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The only problem I'm having is an error box pops up everytime I start my computer. The error is the program is trying to load the taskbar icon and it can't. This is on a desktop machine. I close the error box and open Malwarebytes from the icon on the screen and it says it's running and the scans seem to be running just fine. I probably won't mess with it for now and just wait for the next update. Hopefully it will be fixed then.


IE 8

All the upgrades

ZoneAlarm Suite

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