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Possible Root Kit ?

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Sorry, that info was in the post that didn't make it.  I started the first memory check, but it seemed to time out.  It did 73% of a 2 pass check in about 3 minutes and then stayed at 73% for almost an hour. The fan started to run extremely fast similar to how it sounds when the system crashes.  I plan to rerun that scan again - overnight.



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Have not run Memtest yet.  Cannot get system to boot from the CD i created.  Doesn't seem to recognize the drive in the boot process.  Posted to the forum you suggested, haven't had a response yet.  I know it is something simple, I followed the directions in the .pdf that was supplied and I believe I created the image correctly.  If you have any instructions it would be appreciated.  On the bright side, haven't had many issues since executing the Windows tool.



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Memtest86 froze up two times, both runs were with the default settings. The first time was @ 3hrs., 25min, and 42s sec. into the scan. It occured during Pass#3, Test#5(moving inversions, random pattern). It indicated no errors had been detected to that point. I rebooted after about an hour and a half of no changes on the Memtest interface.


The second test I let go overnight.  That run failed @ 1hr, 55min, 48sec during Pass#2, Test#5 (moving inversions, 1's and 0's parallel).  It said it had found five total errors to that point.


The interface showed the highest and lowest error address displayed, bits in error mask, bits in error- total , min, max, avg., and max contiguous errors.



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The logs indicate approx 6 GB of RAM, is that correct. What is the set up, are there 3 sticks of 2 GB each or 2 sticks 3 GB each.


Whatever the set up is can you try removing all then replace just one stick, see how the system responds for a couple of hours, then swap with another stick, try for couple of hours again... See if one stick is faulty..

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Opened up the computer, there are six slots with 9GB of RAM, three sticks @ 2GB each, and 3 @ 1GB - was kinda surprised.  Took all six out and reseated them, cleaned up inside the chassis, lots of dust.  We will see what happens.  We can consider this one closed.  Will try troubleshooting as you said but I can do that later.  Haven't had any crashes but haven't really used the computer much.  Thanks for your patience and help.



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