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Rootkit Scan driver failure, no longer have key.

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I've started to experience myself recently, and have found a few threads on the topic, and am not exactly sure as to how to go about this. When AMB starts up (usually by itself, especially when i'm trying to play League, which I might add is incredibly annoying), it generalls is attempting to scan. However it never has this issue. When I myself start up a scan it generally spits out an error code that its rootkit scanner has failed to initialize.


I would have done a clean reinstall as i've read a few issues with old clients, but I no longer have my key as my boyfriend installed AMB on this machine a long long time ago, and I don't have it myself. It is a premium version. I assume I will need the key to reinstall the program, but is there a way I can fix the rootkit issue without reinstalling? I don't think myself as one to wander into dangerous territory online, but I'd prefer to keep this little blue half circle functioning properly.




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Hello and Welcome to Malwarebytes :)

Let's try this first.... (in most cases the ID and KEY will not get removed) See note below to retrieve your ID and KEY.

Thank You,



Only if you had version 1.x previously...

You can use the following program to save a text file copy of it on your desktop (this is a program written by AdvancedSetup which is an admin on this forum). You should have an email from Cleverbridge as well with this information. You should then copy this file off of your desktop to a more appropriate location such as your Documents folder.


If that does not work, then...

If you lost your ID and License Key then send an email to: cs@cleverbridge.com

Phone: +1-866-522-6855
Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM (CST)
Also, their contact info can be found HERE.

When you get the email Print it out

Malwarebytes Tech support does not have any access to, or information pertaining to any sales\shipping\user account\registration issues.

You may also try and look up your product info by using your registered email address HERE or HERE

If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to post.

Thanks :)

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