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Update re: Internet connection speed issue: Iminent?


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Last summer I had an issue with Internet connection speed. I came here for help and got plenty of it, thanks again. I promised to come back if I had any new, positive information on this issue and that time has come.


If interested please reference the original problem thread here:




I had been using Mozilla Firefox since forever (8-10 years) and always loved and trusted it. More and more my Firefox had been off its game. Little things here and there. For one, the links on a page would sometimes all go dead, become unclickable. A quick refresh of the page would solve the problem so I gave it little thought, but there were a couple of other, very subtle issues with the Firefox performance. Since I had started using Chrome on my cell phone and liked it I decided to try it on my computer for the first time in many years.


Chrome came with a bit of a learning curve, and there are some things I am not totally happy with and other things I miss from Firefox, but Chrome has come a long way since I last used it. For one thing I was impressed with how fast it is, and streamlined. I have been using it full time for a couple of weeks now and it appears to have become my full time browser.


Now, for the connection to my previous Internet connection speed issue: Chrome seems to have solved it!


After a fresh boot one day I decided to forego my usual workaround procedure to "turn off" my connection speed issue and went straight away to a speedtest.net. I was shocked to see my Net speed at full right out of the box. I tested that observation several times to confirm it, problem gone! Then, a few days ago, after a fresh boot I went to Firefox first and did a speed test without doing the workaround; speed was off by more than 90%. I switched to Chrome, tested again, and speed was back up to normal. I then went back to Firefox and found speed there also now tested normal. Hmmmm, so, just having started up Chrome had the same effect on my system as executing my previous workaround procedure. Huh.


I am at a loss to understand this but facts are facts. Look at my original problem thread and in the first post I posted the results of an AdwCleaner scan and you will see, down under the Firefox browser results and you see the "prefs.js" file got listed. At the time this seemed to be nothing but could it be the source of the problem? I guess we still don't know and maybe we never will.


For the time being, I think I can state that switching from Firefox to Chrome seems to have solved my problem.  :-)



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  • Root Admin

We're sorry. It looks like your topic was somehow overlooked. Due to the length of time we'll go ahead and close this topic now but if you still actually need help please send a private message to one of the Moderators and we'll assist you.

Thank you and sorry we missed your topic.

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