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Any Ideas?

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Every once in while Web Protection in .2012 will get turned off.  Fix does not fix it.  Reinstalling does.   It doesn't happen very often, maybe once a month at the most and it doesn't always happen on the same computer.  It has happened maybe three times tops since I installed .2012 which was when it was first released.


I don't consider it a major problem due to the infrequency of it happening.


Could a Malware attack when browsing turn off Web Protection?  Maybe certain attacks create a conflict with another security program I have running and that turns off MBAM Web Protection.  I really don't know.


Anyone have any idea what could be causing it?   Since it happens so infrequently I would think it would be very difficult to intentionally reproduce.

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Most common reason we see here is PUPs infections.

If it's happening at system startup, sometimes a reboot will solve it.

The staff will probably have some other ideas and suggestions.
But in order to have a starting point to help to sort this out, we'd need to see some system logs.
Please read the following and post back attached to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt)

(NOTE: If you have ever run FRST on this computer before, please be sure to place a check-mark in the box for the "Addition.txt" option before you run it.)



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