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MBAM Vanished, now won't reinstall.

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I recently noticed when trying to manual scan a download that my Malwarebytes installation had vanished. 


I attempted to re-install but got an error: Create File failed; code 80


Error Screenshot of both installation methods attempted: 




I've tried using "mbam-clean-" which advises it will clean Mbam but then either does nothing, or does the rest silently: http://prntscr.com/4j0qme


Using "mbam-check-" I get the attatched results. 


I've also attached the latest logs from MBAM showing that it vanished in early June.


Any help would be appreciated :)






mbam-log-2014-06-03 (01-42-29).xml


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Bit more progress:


Windows Search wouldn't show the executable, but I manually found it easily enough where it was suppose to be. 

Windows prompted, saying access was denied click continue bla bla when opening the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware folder in Program Files (x86)
Attempting to run the mbam.exe gave me a "Windows cannot find' error: http://prntscr.com/4j0xou
But on a hunch, I used unlocker to delete the program folder. I then re-ran the mbam-clean exe and it seemed to work, required a reboot anyway.
After the Reboot, I Installed MBAM and the install completed successfully, however when attempting to launch either via short cut or directly, I'm supplied with the same error: http://prntscr.com/4j0yqx
Not really sure what to try from this point...
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I don't see an edit button, so I apologise for the multi-posts. 


On another "hunch" I ran the MBAM Chameleon shortcut. Which has launched, updated and started scanning with MBAM, It hasn't retained my "Pro" Licesnse, but I was able to activate it while it was scanning.


It's still scanning and already found a few objects, so hopefully this will resolve the issue. I'll post more when it's finished.



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Glad you got it sorted out, however...

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