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"Shields" Tab Suggestion


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I think it would be good if on the "Shields" tab of the GUI that it not only display the name of the application, but also display the *.exe and the profile. This would make it easy to double check the setup of your custom shields. A couple of times I thought I had maybe made a typo or selected the wrong profile. When this happened I was forced to remove that shield and add it again. If this additional information was displayed in the GUI, it would serve as a good and quick double check to ensure you have setup your shields correctly.

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Hello Pedro,


Thanks, as if I do not know you already have a backlog of improvements that you are working on  ;)  ... I just thought that would make it easier to create and maintain your custom shield list if more information was displayed. I am getting on the senior side and at present have 16 custom shields and trying to remember how I set them, well, that is another story  :wacko:  ...

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