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AboutBuster 6.0 Tutorial

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I noticed the tutorial doesn't say anything about running it in safe mode (though the screen shot shows the safe mode instruction is still in the program). I hope this doesn't confuse people too much.

I also noted that there's no longer an update button. Howcome?

Another thing, the front page still says "download AboutBuster 5.1". You really should update that.

Edited by Greenknight
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  • Root Admin

Hello GreenKnight, welcome to MalwareBytes.

It is not requred to run AboutBuster 6.0 in safe mode, however it is recommended. I'll ask BT if he can add it.

There is no update button because the database AboutBuster 6.0 uses is inside the program.

Regarding the front page, whoops :D. Thank you for noticing, fixed!

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