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Updated to latest version - now won't connect to server and...

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I have just updated to version 2.02.1012 and now it won't connect to the server to update the database. I have rebooted the computer a few times. Also, the Dashboard says Malicious Website Protection disabled, Malware Protection enabled - so I went to Settings > Detection and Protection and it shows Malicious Website Protection as enabled. (I did change it to that after I did the update and the reboots.)


I am running Windows 8 and Kaspersky Pure 3.0 and have had no error messages to say why this is not updating and have had no problems prior to the update.


I would be grateful for some simp,e advice - I am not clued up about stuff like this just an end user.


thank you

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A couple of easy things to check -- first, please be sure your system date/time are correct and that your AV and firewall both give MBAM full permissions.
It's possible that PURE is treating the new build as a new program and the firewall may be blocking it -- the files that need to be excluded can be found HERE. Please post back if you need help with doing that.

If those suggestions don't resolve your issue:




I'm glad that the reinstall resolved your issue.  If you have further problems, though, please start a NEW, SEPARATE topic.

That way, both you and the OP can receive individual help to get back up and running with minimal confusion.


Thank You,

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Hi Daledoc


I have followed your very help advice and now everything is working. I did get a bit muddled with trying to look into the Kaspersky side of things but as I'd had no errors from it I assumed it had not got a problem with MalwareByte and moved on. I've followed the rest of the advice, uninstalled and reinstalled etc... and it's working fine.


Just one other question - when clicking thru the settings, under Detection and Protection I noticed the box for Rootkits was unchecked so I googled what Rootkits were (I told you I have no idea about this stuff!!) and it seems worth having it checked as well so would that be correct?


thank you

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Great, I'm glad it's working well for you now. :)


As for anti-rootkit (ARK) scanning, yes, that is a new feature in version 2.

It is disabled by default because some users will prefer not to use it.

Also, if the hard drive is encrypted with software other than TrueCrypt, such as BitLocker or other products, then ARK is not supported (there are complicated technical reasons why that is the case).  That is another reason it is an option.

Since the scanning involved for ARK requires more use of system resources and bit a more time, enabling it might need to slightly longer scan times.

On a newer, faster computer, that is not a problem and it's nothing to worry about.


Having said that, PURE 3 has its own built-in ARK scanning, so it would be a "second opinion" for that.


If you wish ---as long as your hard drive is not encrypted -- you can enable it for both Settings > Protection and Detection, and/or in the Advanced Settings for your scheduled daily Threat scan.

If you run into problems, you can post back here for help or you disable it.




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