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Thanks guys!


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I just wanted to stop in really quickly and thank you guys for really saving my bacon.

I'm in the middle of transitioning to a new career and was in the middle of online training modules last night when my computer began to freeze in the middle of online videos and sometimes just randomly. When I say, "freeze," I mean that everything but the mouse ceased to function and none of my programs were available, my task bar ceased to function (and in some instances actually disappeared) and Control Alt Delete didn't function. It just... froze. Once or twice when it was doing this I got the Blue Screen of Death, but for the most part the entire operating system just hung up while my mouse continue to function.

It was a really strange problem, as the computer would boot normally and function fine for about 10 or 15 minutes and then just hang up. I was wondering whether or not I had a serious hardware problem, like faulty memory and began to despair that I'd never finish my modules in time (it was 1 in the morning and I was burning the midnight oil, so to speak), but I gave your software a shot. (I've used it to clean up the computers of my relatives, but never thought that I of all people, may need it one day, as I'm pretty good about avoiding viruses and malware)

Well, it turns out to have been a great decision. Within the first two minutes the computer found more than a dozen errors in the registry and I immediately stopped scanning (as I was afraid the computer would freeze before the scan had completed) and deleted those before doing another scan. (which turned up more than 2 dozen other items) Whatever the problem was, it seems to have been fixed. My computer has been running for the past 10 hours with no problems and no hangups. I still have no idea how my computer came down with such a nasty bug, but at this point I'm more worried about just geting my work done!

I'd like to thank the developers of the software for doing such a great job and creating such a great service. When I start my new career, I'll definitely be showing my gratitude by investing in the premium version of the software. I thought I was completely out of luck and needed to do a fresh install of Windows 7, but thankfully that wasn't necessary.

Thanks a lot, guys! Keep up the good work! It's helping a lot of people.

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