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Infection issues

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Wish I could help. I am in the exact same position !!!  Windows 8.1 and Chrome.


Privoxy has been installed (along with something else that I mistakenly installed), and I can't get rid of the damn thing. Ads popping up all over my browser. Proxy settings "highjacked"..


I've done the following rkill, adwcleaner, malwarebytes, spybot, hitmanPro, and run Kaspersky. All multiple times. I've uninstalled it (ha). Deleted it. Removed entries from registry, again, many times, On reboot, it reinstalls itself EVERY TIME. Can't find any sign of it's installer in the registry. I've also done all the proceeding tasks in safemode too.  I am stumped, and annoyed.




Right this second, my machine is OK, as I killed it in Task Manager, then in a fit of pique, randomly killed off tasks in taskmanager in a an attempt to see if the proxy highjacking ceased. Which it has, so one of the sodding things I killed is the process that is highjacking the proxy settings.


Grrrrrrr.  :angry:


Off to sulk.  :(

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Hello atomany and :welcome:

I recommend following the advice from the topic: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and having one of the Malware Removal Experts assist you with looking into your issue.

If, as recommended, you do open a topic in Malware Removal Help, please make reference to this thread.

Thank you.

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