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Disable Protection

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Hi 1PW,


Can you, please, name another program which requires "disabling self protection" in order to uninstall?????????


This a poor implementation of "self protection" feature.


In the worst case scenario, MBAM should ask you , upon uninstall, "Do you really want to uninstall MBAM" and if the answer is "Yes" should disable "self protection "by itself and proceed with uninstallation.

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Hi questions:


Good question.


From my standpoint, a system's (and its user's applications/documents) protection is paramount, and only equaled or exceeded by little else.


Precious little can distinguish badware from the misguided or unintended location, download and execution of the mbam-clean utility. Hence, the removal of MBAM, or its constituent elements, may be granted a higher degree of self-preservation.


My 0.02USD

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