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Threat Scan

Guest balscarlet

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Guest balscarlet

:)  Hi, there. First, I want to say that MBAM is an absolutely WONDERFUL product, and I think you guys & gals are super for letting even free users(of which my son is one), use it AND be able to get rid of malware w/o having to purchase, as is the case many times w/scanning software. Thank you very much, peoples!!!


Anyways, what I wanted to say is, when I ran my quick scan on the old version of MBAM, avg. would be 7-9 min. Now, it takes approx. 20-22 min.  I just hope that that will improve when you  get an update, I believe.  I was getting help from support from William(Rowland, I think), and he mentioned an update sometime this month.

Or, can you tell me WHAT is making it run so long now? :blink:


Still love it, though, as it runs in the background, & doesn't slow my RAM down, like my antivirus does. So, it's really no big deal, just wondering.


Thanks again for making such an AWESOME product!!! I think my PC is really safe w/my antivirus AND MBAM running on it.


Take care, God Bless, & have a great weekend!!! :D :D :D

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I had this exact same problem with much longer Threat Scans. The MBAM administrator sent me a link to download the just released new Beta Version I installed it and now my threat scan times have been greatly reduced down to approximately 9+ minutes. Perhaps you can make an official request for this new beta version. It really fixed a lot of bugs!

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Guest balscarlet

Hi, there, thank you for your quick response. Only thing is, I really do not care for BETA programs, although I am sure it will be final soon.


Like, I am waiting for the final for the Malware Bytes AntiRootkit.  But, William in support says it prolly won't be final as rootkits are always changing(sorry, not sure EXACTLY what he said). I tried, but he didn't expand of his answer.


Anyways, I think that the BETA you have will prolly be the update he was talking about.  It doesn't really bother me(the length of the scans), 'cuz like I said, since MBAM runs in the background & doesn't have a whole lotta effect on my RAM(like my av does), it's cool.


Thanks so much for your help & concern, tho!!! You take care, God Bless, & have a wonderful weekend!!! :D :D :D

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Hi, balscarlet:
The scanning engine in version 2 is more powerful and it scans in places the previous version did not.
So, slightly longer scan times are to be expected and are nothing to worry about.
There are many factors which determine scan times.
Some of them are listed here:

Time taken is due to a many factors some which can be dealt with and others not as easily.

Size of disk
Disk type
Disk speed
Disk caching
CPU speed
Controller type and speed
Operating System used
Amount of files
Amount of folders
Amount of archived files such as zip, rar, sfx, etc.
Rootkit scan or not
PUM/PUP scans
Other security programs running at the same time that may potentially be monitoring all file accesses by any other process.
Drive integrity - if a drive is failing it can take a long time to ignore and bypass sectors on a disk or simply fail period and hang the scan.
Other ongoing disk I/O processes
System being infected can also affect speed of scans


Another variable is the size of the detection database, which can vary from day to day.

You may want to disable anti-rootkit (ARK) and archive scanning, to see if that improves your scan times.
After that, a couple of suggestions:

  • If you already have an open, working support ticket with "gringo" (aka William Rowland), then it would be a good idea to continue to work with him, rather than simultaneously getting help for 1 issue in 2 places. ;)
  • Otherwise, we would begin troubleshooting, using the steps here:
  1. Please try the following and let us know if this corrects your issue or not. - MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x
  2. If that does not correct the issue then please read the following and post back the requested logs. - Diagnostic Logs
  3. NOTE: There is an FAQ section with valuable information located here: - Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions
  4. NOTE: You may also want to try installing the new beta which has corrected some previously reported issues: - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.0.2 Public Beta

The beta build to which gringo and @rwharold referred may be downloaded from the link in #4.

It has greatly improved scan times for many users.

If you prefer not to install the beta, then you may wish to wait a week or so, until the new build is officially released.


Thank You,



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Guest balscarlet

Hi, there, daledoc1.  Ohhh, hmm, I guess I an longer scan may be running since my HD is dying, and I will be installing another soon, since my current HD is 297GB, and the one I am ordering is 320GB. Ah, well, that's OK. STILL love MBAM, and it runs nicely in the background w/o slowing down my RAM.


Also, I have disabled antirootkit scanning, as when I first d/l the upgrade, I scheduled auto scanning, and it wouldn't make it past first base, so to speak. It was on it for hours. The second day also. So, I disabled auto scanning, and when I spoke to William, he said to disable rootkit scanning. That helped, I'm sure, as now it scans fine on auto scan.


I am not working w/William anymore, as my original problem(Malicious Website Protection turning off & not wanting to turn back) is solved.


Thanks so very much for those links, daledoc1. I will DEFO read them. And, cool! So the BETA that rwharold talked about IS being released soon. I had a feeling that that is the update that William was talking about.


Again, much mahalos & greatly appreciated!!!


Take care, God Bless, & have a super weekend!!!




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Hi, again:


Yes, if you have a failing hard drive, that could definitely impact scan times.

As just another home user, I would respectfully suggest that you might want to ensure that all of your important data are backed up safely to media, to the cloud, and/or a USB device ("thumb drive" or external hard drive).  Once the old drive goes, it may be a real challenge to recover your data.


Only the staff know the expected release date for or the next build.

So, if you would like to try it now while it is beta, just follow the steps in #4 in the list in my earlier reply.


Otherwise, keep us posted on your progress,



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Guest balscarlet

OK, daledoc1, one more question here. Why should I uninstall MBAM? Um, you mean only if my prob really isn't solved? Not sure why you suggested that.


Now, I do not have it set to check for updates before a scan, and, I didn't even see that when I was setting it up, LMAO. Ah, well, I just tried running a scan, and it didn't seem to check.


Sorry, I CAN ramble.




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Guest balscarlet

Yes, daledoc1, I understand that. Here is some background(hope I don't bore ya!!!).  MY PC died in Nov. I am using my son's laptop w/my hard drive in it. Our PC whiz friend told me that that could mess up the drivers so I should reformat it. Meanwhile, my son got an external HD, and I had put most of my data on it so I could do just that. But then, IT died(he thinks the air holes got compromised). 

So, I have some of my data at Dropbox, which is cool. Most of my data I can redownload, so no prob with that. Just my pics that I can't get anywhere else!


Thanks so much for your concern & all your help!




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OK, daledoc1, one more question here. Why should I uninstall MBAM? Um, you mean only if my prob really isn't solved? Not sure why you suggested that.

A clean reinstall often resolves minor issues most efficiently and gets the user back up and running with less time/effort than would be required for more detailed troubleshooting.


Now, I do not have it set to check for updates before a scan, and, I didn't even see that when I was setting it up, LMAO. Ah, well, I just tried running a scan, and it didn't seem to check.

As long as you have update checks scheduled frequently (say, every 1 to 4 hours), it's not essential to enable the "check for updates before scanning".

If you do enable that feature, it ensures that MBAM will have the most current database prior to scanning.

Please note, however, that scheduled update checks are randomized to +/- 15 minutes of the time.

So, if you do enable that feature, the update check will be randomized and so will the subsequent scan.

If you want your scheduled scan to take place at the exact scheduled time, then you would disable "check for updates before scanning" and ensure that your scheduled update checks are frequent enough to take advantage of the 10-12 updates per day.


If you are still experiencing issues, and do not wish to install the latest beta build, please follow the pinned topic here: Diagnostic Logs.

Then, please post back with the logs attached to your reply, so that the staff/experts can determine what's happening.

You can also post back with one of your recent SCAN logs, for them to review, as well.

They are saved automatically and may be accessed via the History tab under Application Logs. Additionally, you may now use the Copy to Clipboard to copy/paste your scan's contents directly into a forum post, or you may use the Export Log button, also provided at the end of a scan, to save the log in the format and location of your choice (available formats are currently XML and .txt).





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Guest balscarlet

Well, except for a long running scan, everything seems to be working well, thank you.


I have(and have always) set my MBAM to check for updates EVERY HOUR. I think that that is most important, to have the latest database.


Again, thank you so very much!!! You are most helpful & kind. I've seen your posts, when I look online for something or other about MBAM.

No wonder you're a 'forum deity'!!!


Many thanks,


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