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Malwarebytes anti-malware freezing - has never completed scan

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I had a malware infection a couple of days ago (iexplore.exe), and worked with my office's sys admin to get rid of it. The problem appears to be solved, however out of all the tools he/we used, malwarebytes anti-malware just didn't work. We've tried it in both safe mode and regular mode, but it always freezes on heuristic analysis and stays stuck there. The "objects scanned" shows a different number each time we run it, when it freezes. There are no displayed threats or detected objects in the window.


Can someone help please? I'm worried there might still be an infection or something that is preventing malwarebytes from completing.

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Hi there,


I did a clean removal and re-installed the latest version of MBAM.


When I ran it again, this is what happened: Pre-scan, Memory objects, startup objects, registry objects and filesystem all completed within 13 minutes, with no detected objects.


Heuristic analysis got to 820337 objects scanned, and then froze, at the 18 minute mark. When I ran previous installs earlier today, it froze at 828653 and 820211 objects, also at the 18-20 minute mark -- (both were on "fresh" MBAM installs). Earlier today, I waited up to two hours to see if the analysis would progress.


As this has happened before, I force-closed MBAM after forty minutes and moved on to generating the diagnostic logs for you.


Attached are logs from Farbar Recovery Scan Tool and the MBAM Check tool.


Any advice appreciated. Thanks!




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Try the new Beta to see if it fixes your issue, their have been a lot of bug fixes that were found in v2.0.1.1004 so install this beta and see if it fixes your issues

NOTE: You might also want to try installing the new beta which has corrected some issues found in the previous release.
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.0.2 Public Beta

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Ok, I did a clean removal, then installed the beta (the second time I have installed the beta, btw) -- no luck, still freezes. This time, it got to 820456 objects scanned, and it's been stuck on heuristic analysis for 40 mins.


Do the logs I posted earlier show anything?


If not, I'm just going to give up on malwarebytes altogether.

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The iexplore.exe virus looks like it is back as well, eating up lots of resources as of 10 minutes ago. We thought we had got rid of it this morning, after running a range of tools including Combofix.

Who is we? Its not recommended to be running a lot of tools that are very powerfull on your own, if you are not trained in there use you can make matters worst...

Being that you are probably infected, feel free to follow the instructions below to receive free, one-on-one expert assistance in checking your system and clearing out any infections and correcting any damage done by the malware.

Please see the following pinned topic which has information on how to get help with this: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers

Thank you

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Hi, thanks for your reply. "We" is my office's sys admin, who was working with me to get rid of the virus on my computer. I got my computer back from him and was trying to get malwarebytes running properly on it which is why I came on here.


However -- yes, we still have the infection so I'll get that sorted first before seeking further help. 


Please close this thread, as I will post again later and start a new thread if need be. Thanks.

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