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GOOD! :D  ha ha kidding.   Sorry couldn't resist. I'm sure someone will fix it.


Personally I've never understood the reasoning behind connecting accounts especially FB who started it all with "signing in" to sites through them. They've become such a monopoly with their harmless little "sign in" tool which is really just their way of tracking and controlling you as some sites now require that you to sign in through FB in order to post comments.  At least Malwarebytes hasn't made it mandatory like some have. (not yet anyway)

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The "Facebook login" feature does not work.

Here is the error reported by Facebook:

App Not Setup: The developers of this app have not set up this app properly for Facebook Login.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I will ask our IT department to look into the issue.



At least Malwarebytes hasn't made it mandatory like some have. (not yet anyway)

No, we will never require that users sign in with Facebook (or any other third party service/account) to use our forums. It's simply a feature that some users find convenient so they don't have to use and remember different accounts/credentials for logging into different online services.
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