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MBAM Taskbar Icon

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My taskbar icon has changed to a generic "can't find" one  (see attached).  I tried resetting  and changing it from the properties menu of the icon but no go so any idea how I can get the correct MBAM one back,  the one in the system tray is fine as you can see.  


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This has been a known, long-standing issue in Windoze that dates back many years and versions.

Could be a corrupt iconcache.db.


3 possible solutions:

  1. This KB topic has a link to a MS fixit tool: Malwarebytes Anti-Malware icon has been replaced with a generic Windows file icon (direct link: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/813711)
  2. If -- as it appears from your screen cap -- you are running Win7, then you can try either method in this tutorial: Windows 7: Icon Cache - Rebuild
  3. A clean uninstall/reinstall of the program might resolve it: MBAM Clean Removal Process (Use option 1)

Please let us know if one of these resolves your issue,



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Great,  thanks for the links, yes I am on Windows 7 X64 HP SP1  (can't add details in my signature until I have a few more posts).  I will have a look and try to sort it.  It is not a big problem and certainly not one to worry about,  if it comes to the worst I can live with the generic icon.  If I have any joy I will report back.

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It's a cosmetic issue.

One or more of those 3 options should work, I would think.


With a "generic" desktop shortcut icon, one can sometimes right-click the icon > properties > change icon and select a "normal" one from the options, if it's available.

I don't think that will work with taskbar icon, though?


One other easy thing to try:

What happens if you right-click the icon > unpin this program from taskbar & then go back to the start menu and re-pin it?

Is it still "generic"?


Anyway, let us know.


One of the more expert members might have some other suggestions,



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Heh,  no need,  your answer was perfect. I manually rebuilt the icon cache using the info in your #2 link and it reappeared in the task bar as good as gold.  :)



I had tried all the usual "easy" stuff such as pinning, unpinning, rebooting and also right clicking the icon to chane the icon properties.


Thanks again!

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  • 7 months later...

The first link in #2 above goes to a page that no longer exists. The second goes to a general MS help page. Here is the page that has the specific MS Fixit tool for this issue. (I had to search for it.)


fix randomly changed desktop icon (it also does other stuff)


URL (in case link doesn't work): http://support.microsoft.com/mats/windows_file_and_folder_diag/


I tried it and it worked!!! I hate that "generic" icon with a passion. It is (only) a cosmetic issue, but it's irritating!

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The first link in #2 above goes to a page that no longer exists.

Yes, unfortunately, the help desk was rearranged and relocated.

(And this forum topic is several months old. ;) Unfortunately, it appears that there was no replacement link provided by the web team to a new KB topic for this issue. :( )


The second goes to a general MS help page. Here is the page that has the specific MS Fixit tool for this issue. (I had to search for it.)


fix randomly changed desktop icon (it also does other stuff)


URL (in case link doesn't work): http://support.microsoft.com/mats/windows_file_and_folder_diag/

The same is true for web pages at MS and other sites.

Alas, sometimes there is no redirect to a new, replacement web page.



For Windows 7 (and Vista), these tutorials should also work (I have used them before, myself):



Alas, "404" and disappearing web pages have always been a bit of a problem on the internet.

There isn't much that can be done about it, except for a new internet search.


Thanks for those new links. :)



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