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Little Question

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Sorry for an unspecific topic title but...

Is it safe to use Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit to just scan but not remove anything?

Will I risk breaking my computer in the unlikely event it detects false positives of crucial system files or anything that may damage my computer if I just do a scan to see it it picks up anything?


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  • Root Admin

We believe it's safe but it is a beta tool and not something that should be run often.  Only if you suspect that you might have some type of infection that other tools are not finding.


One should always have there data backed up and create a new System Restore Point before running any such tool.


Backup Software
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  • Root Admin

The link I posted to will give you all sorts of information on backups.  If you're not doing backups already then one would assume your data is not important to you.  Without backups all sorts of hardware, software issues could cause you to lose some or all of your data.  Please visit some of the sites and read up on backups and start doing backups if you value your data.



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