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Request for version change of MEE Client

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We recently upgraded our MEE server to the latest 1.3 version.  With it, a "different" version of the MEE client is available.  The problem is that for whatever reason, the decision was made to not increment the version number of the client.  Even though there are changes, new features, and different communication, you chose to keep the client as


This is extremely confusing because from the MEE Server console, or even the client itself, you have no way of knowing if it is running the "new" 1.75 or the "old" 1.75.  We are trying to figure out a way of deploying this "update" to 5000+ computers, but we cannot even scan for a certain version of the client!  Scanning and deploying from the console is NOT a solution, we cannot do this one-by-one and only detect clients that are online at that time.


I am asking that you reconsider this approach and version up the client properly so we can all differentiate which client is which. 

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Hi Steve.


Sorry for not getting to you sooner.


One thing that can be done to easily see which clients are updated or not is to add a column view to the Client Pane.


Go to the client pane and right-click on the column header.  Then choose "Customize columns,"  From here, make sure the boxes for "Managed Client Version" and "Client Version" are checked.  


The Managed Client Version is new to 1.3 and will show you what version of the communicator is installed.  If this shows up as blank in your client views, that means it is running a communicator for 1.2 or previous.  In this way you will know which ones need to be updated without needing to scan and detect them, as well as which ones are online (indicated by the green circle.)


Once updated, the Managed Client Version should show the, which is the current version of the communicator.


I apologize that this isn't more clear in the management console, and I have notified our developers about this to make it easier.  Please let me know if this helps you out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I too was very frustrated by a lack of version change even though a component of the software changed.  If we could just upgrade the changed component, then that would make sense, but the given the only way to update the changed component is by updated the whole client I just don't understand how the version number could stay the same.


Anyways, the way we got around this when deploying via SCCM 2012 is to change the detection method to look for the version number of the SC.Common.dll to be greater or equal to  Once we did this and updated the files with the "new" client package, we were all set.

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