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Hi Jean, BTW I did some DIGGING myself, check out CC for the latest reply from Allusive Alan.

Nice job Marcin! Can I put a PDF version on my site when I get a chance? A downloadable one? And\or a txt version? I will package it myself, no problem there. I will simply say to check back for updated versions.



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Hi Jean, BTW I did some DIGGING myself, check out CC for the latest reply from Allusive Alan.

Nice job Marcin! Can I put a PDF version on my site when I get a chance? A downloadable one? And\or a txt version? I will package it myself, no problem there. I will simply say to check back for updated versions.



I get email notifications of all threads at CC concerning CD and have just had quite the pissing contest with Allusive Allan in the Digg thread....love that name. I wish more people would actually Digg the article....only 7.

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LOL, I will go check it out right now :)


LOLLLL. Methinks you pi$$3d him off. Bottom feeder from hell? LOLLLL. I laugh as he says, "this should be private" lollll. Just like the spybot deal? :) As well, my issue with the P3P registry getting attacked by CD, no one else seemed to realize that Spybot is one major program that puts that into the registry to protect against such things. I think spywareblaster and others do too. I just thought it was funny, Spybot says CD is bogus, CD attacks P3P registry protection, lol. This just gets crazier as it goes. :)


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