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After a long search for malware, this could be Hardware Related.

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I'm on the edge of hiring someone to fix my computer here. After a long run with various tools, the issue may be system related. The following image will show you a load of 1 % with a Core Voltage of less than one, with the processor hitting 65 degrees Celsius. I am running a maybe now broken Swiftech H220, with temperatures around 39 degrees and an overclock to 4.4 with a VCore of 1.27.

In simpler terms, my temperatures are over 30 degrees Celsius what they should be.


My Virus help thread can be located here


At this point in time, i'm figuring that the temps are so high because some virus-malware is putting my CPU under stress in a way that it won't display the actual load, or because my cooler is no longer functioning.

Here are the BSOD STOP Errors i've been receiving:

During a Rootkit Scan:

*** STOP:0x000000F4 (0x0000000000000003, 0xFFFFFA8007D7EB30, 0xFFFFFA8007D7EE10,0XFFFFF8000399A350

While running Combo Fix:

*** STOP: 0X000000F4 (0X0000000000000003, 0XFFFFFA8007D7EB30, 0XFFFFF8000399A350

While on Google Chrome:

*** STOP:0X000000F4 (0X0000000000000003, 0XFFFFFA8007D7AB30, 0XFFFFFA8007D7AO10, 0XFFFFF80003999350)

According to HW Monitor, CPU Fan (Pump) is at 100% along with both both fans on the radiator.

Could this be the issue? Any help would be appreciated.

I also did run Memtest through repair computer, no issues. The computer is one month old.

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maurice is still helping you and the thread is open ... sooo ... no mal/scumware issues or hypothesis discussed here .

maurice is pretty hip ... stick with him .

elsewise ... the cooler ...

have you checked it for mechanical integrity and intimate contact with the cpu ?

the heat sink compound , if compromised , needs to be replaced .

just because the display says that it is running at 100% does not mean it is so ; a bad impeller will not circulate water , etc .

the cores are running a bit more than would be expected ... but ... not knowing what you have running in the background makes this point moot .

i would suggest looking at "task manager" as a start .

i did skim through your thread in the hjt section ...

you linked to some data about the temperatures ... what make of cooler are you using ?

an option here is to remove the fancy cooler and run the stock unit (if you bought the cpu as a "boxed" version) as a baseline test .

beyond that , the cpu or MB may be bad . as the unit is "homebuilt" and only 30 days old , the cpu and MB should still be under warranty ...

but , one has to prove which is (possibly) bad .

i have seen the cpu temp (internal and Mb) sensors go out of calibration ... way out .

this does not actually harm the cpu but may force the unit into an erroneous throttle back or shut-down .

(i have been running a unit i built many years ago and the temp has been "high" for a very long time :lol: )

an option to test a few things may be to grab a known good hard drive and load a 'nix OS on it as a trial .

this will eliminate the possibility of an infection , bad HD , bad MB , bad SWMPS , etc .

a couple of the other members here can offer some good advice .

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Hello CWB

Maurice was very helpful, eh directed me to this being the issue, that it was. I was using a Swiftech H220, yes the build is homebuilt, and swiftech will be replacing the unit. I tried reseating it, then I replaced it with the stock cooler that i'm currently using, and I'm running without issue at reasonable temps (35-40 idle), no OC. Of course the H220 is a great unit and i'm sure that the replacement I get will work fine, back when it was in working order I was running 4.4@1.27 with load temps in the 50's.

I'm actually very thankful that this was the issue as the fix was very easy.

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good deal on an easy fix ... but the company appears to be out of stock ... hmmm ...


this makes me wonder if there is an overall problem with these units , so i did a google search using "swiftech H220 problems" (other search terms such as issues , circulation and noise produce different results) .

here is one person that had problems with airlock on a replacement unit and auxiliary components :


a problem i have seen with sealed water based cooling systems is grunge growing in the coolant .

this stuff will plug the heat exchangers , pump and tubing .

the addition of a few drops of a biocide in the solution is a fix for this problem ... however ...

this is not recommended for those individuals that do not appreciate what "if it is organic it is dead" means .

i suppose a quartz tubing assembly with UV leds that irradiates the coolant would be a non-chemical way to keep the solution sterile .

this type of sterilization is used (scaled up) with some fountains , hot tubs , swimming pools , etc .

hey , that sounds like a marketable product ... barbados here i come !


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