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Problems updating Malwarebytes

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The PC of my wife - running on Windows 7 - shows problems updating MBAM (don't know what she has been doing or how long this problem prevails as yet).

The course of things is that (all messagees are in German, so the messages are translated back to English.

(1) Message from MBAM: current version is downloaded and ready to be installed - I achknowledge okay

(2) a couple of selections, like language, directory etc. - I leave the defaults as they are

(3) Install runs, we get the message that installation is completed. there are two options: (a) update MBAM, (b) start MBAM, both are preselected - I deselect start MBAM and click finish

(4) file v1.7500.1300 gets downloaded - twice!

(5) Error-message: saying: PROGRAM_ERROR_UPDATING (32, 0, MBAMFileO::WriteFile) - we acknowledge this by clicking okay - and it starts all over again.

Making no progress that way.

Any Ideas what we can do?

Thanks in advance.


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Hello and :welcome:

Sorry to hear your having issues updating to the latest version. Perhaps a clean re-install will help, make sure this is done while logged in as an administrator.

Sometimes a clean install may correct the issue you are having, let’s try that first and see if that helps.

Please go the following pinned topic located ==> HERE <== and let us know if this corrects the issue for you or not.

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