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Block a website


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Could someone please tell me how to block a particular website, [iP address] in Malwarebytes Pro.

There is a tab for adding to the ignore list, but not anywhere to block.

Thank you in advance


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It's currently not supported but you should be able to add it to your firewall

Thank you for your reply. Maybe I should have explained better. I have a laptop and also desktop PC

Just under a year ago, I switched from AVG to Avast AV program. When I use my laptop with Win 7 and Belkin router, of which I have added nothing to, Malwarebytes pops up blocking "type: outgoing - process avastsvc.exe"

When I use my desktop PC with Win XP, Malwarebytes does not block this same process. By the way, when using desktop, I am using my partners internet with Linksys router. When I go into the router under applications and gaming, this svchost keeps putting itself in and slows down my speeds. I keep taking it out..... That's why I wondered if there was a way Malwarebytes could also block this when using the desktop PC.

I would appreciated your time in any help you could suggest.

Thank you


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  • Root Admin

I would suggest following the advice from the topic here Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and having one of the Experts assist you with looking into your issue with the computer. Its not normal to have an IP block and it only shows under the avast because it sits at a lower level in the drivers.

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