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You're the only editor to block the IP of a shared hosting No. 1 in France ...

It would be wise to make a percentage of problem compared to the number of sites hosted ....

I have a malling and post on forums FR specialized antivirus and malware to inform users to use software security a little more seriously ...

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With all due respect, I do not take the blocking of IPs lightly. In this case, there are 47 cases outstanding, and OVH have one hell of a history as far as ignoring them, hence the block.

Once the cases are resolved, the block will be removed.

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No just 7 670 000 result fron BING with commande IP:


You agree not abused 7 670 000 search results for French users. BING is saying that.

Given the number of complaints rec users can no longer access our sites, you should not have much real customer in France. However, if it is to fear in order to sell your software, it is contrary to French law.

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